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26th Ohio Association

The 26th Ohio Regimental Association was formed in 1880 as a permanent regimental association to preserve the memory of the 26th OVVI and to provide an organization through which the 26th OVVI comrades could keep in touch with each other. The Association was formed during the state reunion where over 80 26th OVI veterans attended.

Captain John Raper wrote poignantly of that reunion:

"There were over eighty comrades present at the reunion, many of whom met for the first time in twenty years. Time had made strange changes in the interval, and 'Boys who drank from the same canteen', slept under the same blanket, stopped rebel bullets together, and count each other almost as brothers, were unable to recognize the middle aged men, their hair sprinkled with gray, as the comrades of other years."

The 26th Ohio Regimental Association met annually, usually in September during the state fair, elected officers, and wrote and maintained current a booklet entitled, Roster of Survivors of the 26th OVVI.

The meeting locations were: 1886: Chillicothe; 1887: London; 1888: Ashley; 1889: Columbus; 1890: Mt. Gilead; 1891: Mansfield; 1892-1894: Columbus; 1895: Chickamauga National Military Park; 1896: Columbus; 1897- Chillicothe; 1898- Columbus.

The first officers were: Colonel William H Young, Columbus, Ohio, President; Sgt A G Beer, Ashland, Ohio, Vice President; S F Robinson,  Columbus, Ohio, Secretary/Treasurer;  and John T Raper, Chillicothe, Ohio, Historian.  The Executive Committee was comprised of Captain Raper, Captain Nat Potter, Adelphi, Ohio, Judge James Culbertson, Abilene, Kansas, J F Doty, Delaware, Ohio, and James Withrow, London, Ohio.  The initial address of the 26th Ohio Association was 98 North High Street, Columbus, Ohio.

In 1884, Color Sgt J F Doty was elected President due to the absence of Colonel Young who was living in Germany at the time. Sgt. Doty held the position until he moved to Kansas, and declining reelection, the presidency was assumed by John T Raper.

In 1888, Captain Raper remained the President and Historian, Luther Timberlake, Flushing, Ohio was the Vice President, S F Robinson remained the Secretary/Treasurer with addresses at 118 North High Street, Columbus Ohio. The Executive Committee was comprised of:  David Bragg, Daniel Chestnut, Benjamin O James, Vernon Kilbourn, and S F Robinson (all of Columbus), T S Rogers, Mt. Gilead, Ohio, J F Doty, Topeka Kansas, and Captain Walden Kelly, Osborn, Mo.

Two of these booklets are in the archives at the Ohio Historical Society. The rosters listed the most recent city where a comrade was known to lived.  As is typical of organizations and membership rosters even today, there was a constant concern over assuring that the roster was current and concern over the lack of response from their fellow brothers.

The Rosters also listed comrades who had passed away since the end of the Civil War. It also provided a brief history of the 26th OVVI, including the interesting explanation for the regiment's nickname, the Groundhog Regiment.

An interesting feature was that the 26th Ohio Association elected a Regiment Historian who was responsible for soliciting and collecting the memoirs written by the veterans. The plan was to ultimately write an exhaustive history of the regiment based on the veterans' collective remembrances. Capt. John T Raper was in charge of this endeavor. The various reunions indicate progress was being made to finalize the regimental history. However, in 1895, it appears from the documentation that the drive to publish the regimental history fell short due to lack of funding necessary for publication. 

For information about the 26th Ohio Association, read Chapter XXIV of the regiment's history, The 26th Ohio Veteran Volunteer Infantry: the Groundhog Regiment, Third Edition. 

Source:  Roster of Survivors of the Twenty-Sixth Ohio Veteran Volunteer Infantry, 1883, 1888., The Ohio Soldier Newspaper- Various Editions

26th Ohio Association pamphlet

 source: Ohio History Connection, Columbus.

          26th Ohio Association Annual Reunion Badge

             Belonged to 1st Sgt. John Bradley, Co, K
Thanks to his descendant, Keith Hanselman who provided photo.

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