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Alfred Weedon, Co. F

  Alfred Weedon, Co. F wrote many letters home and also maintained a diary from the time of his reenlistment as a veteran to his honorable discharge.  His letters to his fiancé and later new bride as well as the diaries were kept by his granddaughter.  Her vigilance in keeping them safe and then passing them on to her grandson, Jon Thompson has provided an invaluable glimpse into the life of the Union soldier in general, and a member of the 26th Ohio in particular.  

Although gravely ill, Alfred insisted in joining the regiment in the assault at Missionary Ridge. Alfred was wounded in the knee at the assault on Kennesaw.

Alfred Weedon was born in 1836 and died in 1925.  He enlisted in 1861 at the age of 25.  Before the war, he was a school teacher. His motivation to enlist, like so many of other Union soldiers, was to preserve the Union.  He also was an abolitionist of slavery; a perspective shared by many others of Company F which hailed from Guernsey and Noble counties.

Post-war, Alfred was active in the 26th Ohio Association, serving as its President for one term.


Thanks to Jon Thompson for sharing his great-great grandfather's photo, letters, and diary.  His generosity will help preserve the story of the 26th Ohio.

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