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Company G

Youngstown, Ohio


COMPANY G    Mahoning and Warren Counties "The Carroll Guards"
102 soldiers; 25 died during the war

The roster of company G was primarily composed of soldiers from the Mahoning County and Warren County areas. The company was known as the "Carroll Guards" in honor of Youngstown mayor Reuben Carroll who supported their creation.

Below are photos of the Youngstown Civil War Monument located in downtown on Market Street.  The
second photo is of the east side of the base which lists all the 26th OVI soldiers from Mahoning County
who died during the war in defense of the Union.

A favorite son of the company was Lieutenant William H. Ross. Lt. Ross was promoted to Captain of
Company C. He was killed in the final assault at the Viniard Field during the battle of Chickamauga on
Sept. 19, 1863.  An  article in the Mahoning Register (Oct. 1, 1863, Vo. 9, # 34, page 3) stated:

"Many of our readers will be pained to learn of the death of Capt. WILLIAM H. ROSS of the 26th
Regiment, in the late battle near Chattanooga.  No particulars are known of his death further than he was
killed instantly on the field of battle, while doing his duty as a brave soldier.  Capt. Ross had been a
citizen of Youngstown for many years, and was highly esteemed for his innate worth and many social
natures.  His sudden death has plunged an already stricken family [his son had been killed in
September, 1862 at the Battle of Cedar Mountain] into the deepest affliction, and thrown a shade of
sadness over our entire community.  It should temper our grief, however, to know that he died a hero-
died that his country might live.  While we loved his presence living, let us revere his memory dead."

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