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Pvt David Bragg Co. B


Pvt David Bragg was born  24 Aug 1845 in Williamsport, Pickaway County, Ohio.

He married  Mary Ann Chesnut (sister of Samuel and Daniel) on 1 March 1866 in Chillicothe, Ross County, Ohio.  She died on 4 Nov 1903, and he subsequently married a Susanna on 18 May 1905.

David and Mary's children were:

1. Estelle Bragg - b. 27 July 1868
2. Olive I. Bragg - b. 3 March 1870
3. Louella Bragg - b. 17 Feb 1872
4. Harriet L. Bragg - b. 31 March 1879
5. Ruth America Bragg - b. 19 July 1887, d. before April 1915.

Pvt Bragg was captured at the Battle of Franklin on November 30, 1864.  He may have been captured during the time that the 26th OVI was positioned in a forward location approximately 1/2 mile in front of the main Union line. The purpose of this vulnerable forward position remains debatable, but it would appear it was designed to slow down and disrupt the Confederates assault on the main Union entrenched lines.

David was a prisoner at Andersonville from shortly after his capture until April 1865. He was discharged on 6/16/65.

David died 31 Dec 1915 in Columbus, Franklin County, Ohio.  He is buried at Concord, Licking County, Ohio - not sure what cemetery yet and not sure if Mary Ann or Susanna are buried with him.


Information provided by great, great, grand niece Jane Rader, and the Official Roster of Ohio Soldiers.



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