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As of January 2024, 214 memorial markers have been identified and photographed. To locate the cemetery name and location by county and state, please review the Burial Sites listings.


Fellow descendant Rob Weller developed an outstanding collection of 26th Ohio memorial markers on the web site. A link to his collection is on the Favorite Links page.


Memorial Markers 

William Noe

William H Ross

William H Young

William Jones

William Colvin

William Craft

William Clark

William Campbell

William Pierson


Wilson Martin

George Wagerly

Nathan Tyler

William Benedict

Wayne Simpkins

Hamilton V B Thompson
Andersonville & Oakdale

John Varley

Thomas Morgan

Samuel Platt

Thomas Mercer

Leopold Spetnagle

Thomas Davis

Frederick Singer

George Stevens

Socrates Chandler

Isaiah Sipes

Samuel Rowland

Daniel Chesnut

John Richards

Peter Van Slyck

Patrick Graham

James Nugent

William Miller

Sylvester Hewitt

Robert Jump

Samuel Rook

Sylvester Frame

Samuel Chesnut

Rolla Williams

Philip Metzger

John Osler

Philip Denison

Benjamin Ott

Peter O'Melia

John Neely

James Miller

Obadiah Campbell

Nathaniel Rutledge

Moses Morton

Moses Engle

Mathias Smith

Miles Baker

Michael Redden

David McClellan

Matthew Castle

James Martin

William Chandley

Lyman Kirkland

Jonathan Sherwood

John Swisher

MacDonald Lottridge

Lewis Berry

Jesse Mason

Vernon Kilbourne

Charles Bartholemew

John Shriver

Maish Houseworth

William Limle

Benton Mason

Joseph Williams

Joseph Fullerton

Joseph Taylor

John Robinolt

John Folkert

John Costello

Jasper Graham

James Sanford

Jonathan Hammond

John Stover

John Owens

John Emerson

Joseph Edgar

John Sands

John Goodin

John Livezey

John Bradley

John Bechtel

Jesse Meredith

Jere Sailor

John Jennings

James Price

James Pattee

James Murphy

James Cole

James Hicks

Elias Cole

James McDonald

James Barr

Isaac Newton Tucker

Syvanus Darst

D R Christman

Benjamin Putnam

Samuel Humphries

Henry Knapp

Alfred Weedon

Andrew Clingan

Albert Willey
Note: State is incorrect

Benjamin Crane

George Brill

Benjamin James

James W C Smith

Charles Martin

James Cochran

William Cramer

David Aldrich

Christopher Degenfeld

Josephus Doty

James Campbell

Elisha Bidwell

Herrick Benjamin

John Campbell

Henry Hitchborn

Henry Roland

John Hall and
Theodore Hall

Andrew Byers

Alonzo Clingan

Abraham Van Buskirk

Benjamin Brill

Francis Brill

William Brown

Elliott Cattin

Charles  Piles 

Cornelius Dacey
aka Deasy

Cyrus Hill

David Bragg

Joseph DeHaven

Ephraim Eckley

Israel Reed

Albert Bidwell

Joseph Rafferty

Brooks Bryan

H Jacobs

Henry Renick

William Hamilton

Amos Hutchinson

Andrew McCall

Samuel Barnett

Emmanuel Brill

Benjamin Moss

Calvin Chapman
note: inscription cites a later unit

Charles Hannan

Charles Parsons

Lewis Congill

Daniel Berry

David Rout

Davidson Aldrich

Elkanah Allen

Edward Sprague

Edward Turner

Erastus Paugh

Col. Edward P Fyffe

Felix Dirk

Fyffe GAR Medallion

Enoch McCabe

Fyffe Family Plot

Frederic Mercer

George Kinch

George Smith

George Bupp

Samuel F Robinson

Walden Kelly

Virgil Durflinger

Nimrod Boyer

Edward Haffey

George Bear

William Gist

John  H James

George  Staub

William Geyer

squires marker 2022.jpg

William H Squires

Englehart Rebstock

Patrick Fineral

James Campbell

Thomas Mouser

Theodore Hall

James Burbridge

David Blue

Marcus Bestow

John Owens

Luman Parmelee

Thomas Simpson

Leroy Slack

Jonathan Warren

Ira Weaver

Martin Richmond

Anthony Gaumer
Note: Last name is misspelled on the marker

Zenas Robbins

George Louder

Noble Cordray

James Withrow

Andrew McCleary

John Crouse

Charles Brusman

Jeptha Allen

John W. Ferree

Lest We Forget Monument
Rivercliff Cemetery, Mt. Gilead, Ohio
In commemoration of all who are Missing in Action or buried in unmarked graves, and who's resting place remains unknown- May we always remember them...

Jeptha Allen

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