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Pvt Harmon Tussing, Co. H

Information provided by David Luke, Jr.,  great, great grandson of Harmon Tussing.

Harmon Tussing was a Private in Co. H 26th Ohio Vol. Infantry. Harmon Tussing was born near Baltimore, Ohio in Fairfield County on August 22, 1832 [Note : some documents claim that Harmon was born in Madison
County, Ohio instead of Fairfield County and that his birthdate was Aug.28th instead of Aug.22 but Harmon  usually claimed Fairfield County as his birth place and Aug.22 ,1832 as his date of birth.]

Early in life he became an orphan and on Aug. 31, 1856 he married Sarah Obenour in Hardin
County, Ohio. They had 14 children. When the Civil War broke out Harmon and his family were living in North Washington, Ohio [Note: North Washington is now called Dola ]. Harmon then enlisted in the Army in Kenton,Ohio on July 17, 1861 and was mustered in as a Private in Co. H 26th Ohio on July 24, 1861 at Camp Chase in Columbus, Ohio. 

On or about  October 18, 1862 the 26th Ohio was at Mt. Vernon, Kentucky when Harmon Tussing came down with Typhoid Fever . He spent several months in different army hospitals recuperating until 1864 when he was transferred to Co. E  8th  Vet. Reserve Corps. Harmon Tussing served out term of enlistment and was discharged from the army on July 28, 1864 and still listed as a member of the 26th Ohio .

On Oct.27,1892 Harmon's wife Sarah died and it wasn't until years later on June 11, 1908 when he married again.  He married a much younger girl named Mary E. Howell. They had no children. Harmon's children from his first wife thought Mary was a "gold digger" and only wanted their dad's money. When it became obvious, Mary was forced to leave Harmon but opted out by only getting a separation which made Harmon's kids all the madder. Harmon Tussing died still longing for Mary on October 1, 1918 in Kenton, Ohio . Because he died at midnight some records say Harmon died on the last day of Sept.

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