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Newton Olliver, Co. C

Newton Olliver was a private in Company C. He enlisted in June, 1861 at the age of 20.  He was from Morrow County.

He was killed on September 19, 1863 at the Battle of Chickamauga. The family lore is that he was decapitated by an artillery shell. He most likely died at the Viniard Fields area of the battle that took place that afternoon.

To date, his remains have not been located. Though the family is searching possible burial locations, it is very possible that his remains were buried, along with many other killed Union soldiers after the battle, in mass unmarked graves. Due to the Union defeat at Chickamauga on September 20, 1863, the battle field was in Confederate control until the Union victory at Missionary Ridge over two months later.


A particularly poignant story passed down by the family, provides excellent glimpse into the impact that the war and its tragedies had on family members for decades thereafter:


Pvt Olliver was married to Sarah (Sally) Dunkelbarger Oliver. They had a daugher named Emma.  It was said that Emma never turned away a tramp or stranger from their front door, as she was always sure that it was her daddy returning. Following the war, Sarah moved the family to Van Wert, Ohio and she built a log cabin with her own hands.  

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