Regimental Roster
Ohio honors them with happy tears,
the banners that they waved for her,
the battles that they braved for her,
the glory that they craved for her,
the freedom that they saved for her,
shall keep their laurels green a thousand years...
Source: The Ohio Soldier, Vol. 3 no. 20, 5/10/1890
Soldiers are listed in alphabetical order by last name. Click on the applicable sub-folder below and scroll down.
Source of Information: Official Roster of the Soldiers of the State of Ohio in the War of the Rebellion, 1861-1866. Vol III, Published by Authority of the General Assembly, 1886.
Entries include: name, regiment(s) if applicable, date of enlistment, rank (if indicated), age ( if indicated), date of leaving service and circumstances, and other known information. Note: The Official Roster contains a disclaimer that the information for each soldier may be inaccurate or incomplete. Even though great care was made to insure accuracy, there are errors and omissions. Keep in mind, the original information was hand-written and then transcribed, so spelling errors were quite common.
Also, for those soldiers listed as simply "mustered out at the end of their expiration of service", some were in fact, still in active service at the time. In an attempt to clear up the rosters at the end of the War, by Special Order # 77, soldiers whose status was unknown were simply listed as mustered out. Indeed, some soldiers so listed were in fact languishing in Confederate prisons at the time of the expiration of their three-year enlistment. For example, this happened to my great, great, grandfather who is listed this way. He finally received his honorable discharge eight months later after his release from the Confederate prisons.
I've caught some errors and made corrections, and will strive to make the record as accurate as possible. If you are aware of any mistakes, please let me know. Note: "Discharged with disability" usually meant a surgeon had certified the soldier was no longer able to serve active duty, most usually due to a wound received in combat or disease. Note: If no disposition is indicated, the soldier was likely missing in action, or the records are just incomplete.
For the most complete roster entries, see the Appendix A of the regiment's history, The 26th Ohio Veteran Volunteer Infantry: the Groundhog Regiment, third edition.