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Selected References



The following sources and references are a partial list of primary and secondary sources used in compiling this web site, or that provided meaningful insights. These selected references also contain very interesting further reading that relates to the people, circumstances, and environment that directly impacted on the soldiers of the 26th OVVI.

A Captive of War, Solon Hyde, 1900, 1996. Story as told by Pvt Solon Hyde who was captured at Chickamauga and imprisoned at  Libby, Pemberton, Danville, and Andersonville. I found this interesting as his experience nearly mirrored the places and time frames of my great, great
grandfather: Pvt Jesse Mason's captivity.

A Historical Sketch- Lest we Forget, Company E, 26th Ohio Infantry, Captain Walden Kelly,1909.  Excellent detailed accounting of the 26th OVI activities as told by Captain Kelly. A must read.

A Pennsylvania Quaker in Andersonville:  The Diary of Charles Smedley,   Charles Smedley, 1864. Pvt Smedley wrote a daily diary during his imprisonment that provides insights into what it was like inside Andersonville and Florence prisons.

All for the Regiment,  The Army of the Ohio, 1861-1862, Gerald Prokopowicz, 2001 Provides the argument that the Army of the Ohio was primarily fought by soldiers who fought for their own  regiment, and the soldiers had very little identification with, and  support for their division, corps or army leadership. Conveys a nice account of the Army of the Ohio during the early years of the war through the Battle at Perryville, Kentucky.

An Account of the Escape of Six Federal Soldiers from Prison at Danville, Va: Their Travels by Night Through the Enemy's Country to the Union Pickets at Gauley Bridge, West Virginia, in the Winter of 1863-64, William Henry Newlin, 1889. Sgt John F Wood, Co G, was among the six prisoners who made this miraculous escape.

Andersonville Prison: Lesson in Organizational Failure, edited by Joseph Cangemi and Casimir Kowalski, 1992.  Modern day analysis of what caused the tragedy at Andersonville prison from the perspective of organizational theories.

Andersonville, The Last Depot, William Marvel,1994. Very detailed history of that infamous prison. Author is an apologist for Capt Wirz, but other than that seems a balanced accounting.

Annals of the Army of the Cumberland, John Fitch,1864. Excellent detailed accounting, especially of the Stones River and Chickamauga battles.

Appalachian Ohio and the Civil War, 862-1863, Susan G Hall, 2000. Provides insights into local events leading up to and during the Civil War.

Army of the Cumberland, Thomas B Van Horne, 1875. Traces the Army of the Cumberland from its inception in Kentucky in 1862 through Sherman's March to the Sea and the Battle of Nashville.

Atlanta 1864- Last Chance for the Confederacy, Richard M McMurry, 2000. Excellent analysis of this critical campaign.

Battle Cry of Freedom, James Mc Pherson,1988. Must reading for any serious student of the Civil War. Provides the political, economic, and social foundation and history that led to the Civil War and the impact the War had on the country.

Battle Tactics of the Civil War, Paddy Griffith,1989. Includes comparisons of the civil war to 19th century European battles as well.

Beyond the Battlefield: The Ordinary Life and Extraordinary Times of the Civil War Soldier, David Madden, 2000. An absolutely excellent reference that focuses on the hopes, struggles, and fears of the common soldier.

Chattanooga- A Death Grip on the Confederacy, James L. McDonough, 1984. Great account of the titanic 
struggle for control of this key town. 

Chickamauga- A Battlefield Guide with a section on Chattanooga, Steven E Woodworth, 1999. Excellent guide with concise analysis of the significance of the battles that occurred at Chickamauga.

Chickamauga- A Battlefield History in Images, Roger C Linton, 2004. Contains some rare battlefield photos taken in 1895 at the time of the dedication of the military park.

Chickamauga- Bloody Battle in the West, Glenn Tucker, 1961. One of the more celebrated references about Chickamauga.

Chickamauga- Record of the Ohio Chickamauga and Chattanooga National Park Commission, Joseph C McElroy, 1896. Nice synopsis of the 26th OVI involvement as well as discussion of the monuments at Chickamauga.  Enclosed map highlights troop movements and monument locations.

Chickamauga and Chattanooga- The Battles that Doomed the Confederacy. John Bowers, 1994. Nice account of this critical time period of the War for the Army of the Cumberland.

Civil War Generalship, The Art of Command, W J Wood, 1997.

Dancing Along the Deadline, Ezra Hoyt Ripple, edited by Mark Snell,1996.

Death Before Dishonor: The Andersonville Diary of Eugene Forbes,1995. Insightful first-hand account.

Decision in the West- The Atlanta Campaign of 1864, Albert Castel, 1992.  Excellent reference detailing the history of this critical campaign of the War.

Disaster 0n the Mississippi: The Sultana Explosion, April 27, 1865, Gene Eric Salecker, 1996. Excellent account of this great disaster. According to the list in the book, three soldiers of the 26th OVI were on board: 2 lived, 1 died: Cpl John R. Miller, Co D.

Don Carlos Buell, Most Promising of All, Stephen D Engle,1999. Biographical review of General Buell, Commanding General of the Army of the Ohio.

Don't Know Much About the Civil War, Kenneth C Davis, 1996. Critical and fresh review.

Echoes of Battle, The Struggle for Chattanooga, Richard Baumgartner & Larry Strayer, 1996.

800 Paces to Hell- Andersonville, Dr John W Lynn, 1999. Excellent resource that details the conditions and events surrounding Andersonville.

1861-1865- The Adventure of the Civil War told in Pictures, Irving Werstein,1960. Numerous detailed pencil drawings depict the events of the war.

Embrace an Angry Wind, 1994, Wiley Sword. Detailed account that covers Battles of Spring Hill, Franklin and Nashville,1864.

Fields of Glory- A History and Tour Guide of the War in the West, The Atlanta Campaign,1864, Jim Miles, 1989. Provides general history but excellent detailed tour guide to points of historical interest in northern Georgia, and Atlanta and vicinity.

Fields of Honor- Pivotal Battles of the Civil War, Edwin C. Bearss, 2006. Well written exploration of key battles by the late historian Emeritus of the US National Parks Service.

From Manassas to Appomattox, General James Longstreet, CSA, 1895. Excellent resource on the Confederate perspective as told by a key Confederate General, related to numerous engagements that the 26th OVI was involved in, including: Chickamauga, Chattanooga, Knoxville, and even Blain's Crossroads, TN.

For Cause and Comrades, James McPherson, 1997.  Another great book by McPherson that explores the various reasons that the soldiers fought in the Civil War, as told through their letters home.

Garfield, Allan Peskin,1978. Biography of James Garfield, who was second in command under Rosecrans in the Army of the Cumberland during 1863 campaign.

Grant: A Biography, John Mosier, 2006. Mosier is strong apologist for Grant as a great general. Unfortunately, he sometimes does this by detracting from others.

Grant and Sherman: The Friendship that Won the Civil War, Charles B Flood, 2005. Provides many insights into these two generals.

Guide to the Battle of Chickamauga, edited by Matt Spurill, 1993. Using primarily Official Records reports, highlights the various battles fought at Chickamauga. The section on medical history is especially enlightening.

Hard Tack and Coffee: The Unwritten Story of Army Life, John D Billings, 1887. A must read, written by Pvt Billings who served with the Army of the Potomac. Gives excellent glimpses into the lives of the common soldier.

Heroes of the War, PV Ferree, 1864. A decided biased Unionist account, but its strength is its being written in real time, while the Civil War was still underway and the outcome was yet to be decided.

History of Andersonville Prison, Ovid L Futch,1968.

History of the Army of the Cumberland- Atlas, Thomas B Van Horne, 1875. Contains battlefield maps and army movements of the Army of the Cumberland.

Images of the Civil War in West Virginia, Terry Lowry and Stan Cohen, 2000. Very nice compilation of photos and other documents cataloging the locations and events during 26th OVI's presence there in Autumn,1861.

Jonah's War, 2007, David Jardine. Manuscript. Second historical fiction written by David Jardine based on the diary of Corporal JF Doty, co. C.

Journal of Three Years' Service with the Twenty-Sixth Ohio Volunteer Infantry in the Great Rebellion, 1861-1864, Elias Cole, Sgt, Co C, published  in 1897. A very rare daily journal written during the War that provides incredible insights into his experience in the 26th OVI during his three year enlistment. Special thanks to Civil War historian and author Dennis Keesee for sharing a photocopy of this rare and priceless booklet.

Kennesaw Mountain June 1864, 1998, Richard A Baumgartner ( Details this bloody and key battle of the Atlanta Campaign. Contains numerous soldiers letters that portrays the events through the soldiers' eyes.)

Life and Services of Gen. U.S. Grant, 866, Henry Coppee.  Excellent near in time account of General Grant's involvement during the War.

List of Survivors of the 26th Regiment- Ohio Veteran Volunteer Infantry- S F Robinson, 1883. Brief summary of the 26th OVI in the war and an accounting of the whereabouts of the survivors.  After the war, the "26th Ohio Association" was formed to assist the regiment's veterans in keeping in touch, recording their memoirs, and preserving the memory of the regiment.


Marching Home: Union Veterans and Their Unending Civil War, Brian M. Jordan, 2014Well-researched exploration of the myriad of individual and collective struggles the veterans encountered after they returned home to a frequently unwelcoming nation who just wanted to move on after the bitter struggle.


Master of War: The Life of General George H. Thomas, Benson Bobrick, 2009. Thoroughly researched and well-written biography of a great leader whom the regiment fought under during the last two years of the War.

Mountains Touched with Fire, Chattanooga Besieged,1863, Wiley Sword, 1995.  Excellent reference detailing the experience from Battle of Chickamauga, through siege at Chattanooga, to the incredible charge and victory at Missionary Ridge.

Never Call Retreat, Bruce Catton, 1965. Last of his trilogy on the Civil War.

Nineteen Months in Rebel Hell, Jasper Hall, 1892. Pvt Hall's excellent article about his imprisonment appeared in several editions of the Ohio Soldier during 1892.

No Better Place to Die, The Battle of Stones River, Peter Cozzens, 1990. Another excellent detailed accounting by Peter Cozzens. The 26th Ohio played a pivotal role in stemming the Confederate advance at the bloody Round Forest.

Official Roster of the Soldiers of the State of Ohio in the War of the Rebellion, 1861-1866, Vol III,1886. Great resource. Not always accurate, though, with misspellings, and erroneous remarks.

Ohio Ex-Prisoners of War Association, meeting proceedings,1884.

Ohio in the War, Vol I and II,  Whitelaw Reid, 1868. Great resource for regimental histories, officer rosters, and detailed accounts of statesmen and generals from Ohio.

Ohio Volunteer: The Childhood and Civil War Memoirs of Capt. John Calvin Harzell, OVI, edited by Charles I Switzer, 2005. Capt. Harzell served in the 105th OVI, whose regiment fought in many of the same battles as the 26th OVI. Well written, provides fresh insights especially during the siege at Chattanooga.

One Day Of the Civil War: America in Conflict, April 10, 1863, Robert L Willett, Jr. 1997.  A original analysis focusing on the status and action at the mid point of the War, April 10, 1863.  For the record, on that date, the 26th OVI was with the Army of the Cumberland at Murfreesboro, Tenn.

Out of the Storm, The End of the Civil War, April-June,1865, Noah Andre Trudeau,1994. Just as the war did not end with Lee's Surrender, nor did the 26th OVI service end.  Book highlights little known facts about the continued Civil War post Lee's Surrender.

Perryville, This Grand Havoc of Battle, Kenneth W Noe, 2001. Very nice lead up to an all too forgotten, but strategically key battle of the western theater.  Especially well done is the chapter regarding the impact that the battle had on the Perryville citizens, as well as the hardships that the soldiers and their families faced post war.

Personal Memoirs, Ulysses S Grant, 1885. Considered a classic. General Grant wrote his memoirs during the last months of his life as he was terminally ill with throat cancer.

Personal Memoirs of P.H. Sheridan, Philip Sheridan, 1888. General Sheridan recounts his involvement in the war.

Photographic History of The Civil War, 2 Volumes,  William C Davis, and Bell I Wiley, 1981. Thousands of photos (many I have never seen before) covering the entire Civil War.

Recollections of Prison Life at Andersonville, Georgia and Florence, South Carolina, CA Smith, reprinted in 1997.


Recollections of the Civil War: With the Leaders at Washington and in the Field in the Sixties, Charles Dana, 1898. Dana was the Assistant Secretary of War, and was a first-hand witness to many engagements including Chickamauga, Chattanooga, and Missionary Ridge. Well-written primary source account.

Regimental Losses in the Civil War, William F Fox, 1898. Highly recognized statistical analysis by Fox of the regimental losses as a whole and at specific battles.

Rock of Chickamauga, The Life of General George H Thomas, Freeman Cleaves, 1948. Biography of a key general in the western theater.

Roster of Survivors of the Twenty-Sixth Ohio Veteran Volunteer Infantry, S F Robinson, 1888. Updated roster of survivor's whereabouts, plus more detailed regimental history, including explaining the regiment's nickname as the "Groundhog Regiment".

Rutherford B Hayes- One of the Good Colonels, Ari Hoogenboom, 1999.  Colonel Hayes, soon to be President Hayes, led the 26th OVI in a scouting mission in western Virginia in November, 1861.

Sherman, A Soldier's Life, Lee Kennett, 2001. Details the life of General William Tecumseh Sherman.

Sherman's Battle for Atlanta, 1994, unabridged re-publication of Jacob D Cox's Atlanta,  published in 1882. Excellent account by one of the key generals in this campaign.

Sherman's Civil War, Selected Correspondence of William T Sherman, 1860-1865,  edited by Brooks Simpson and Jean Berlin, 1999.  As title implies, excellent collection of General Sherman's writings during the war.

Sherman, Memoirs of General W T Sherman, William T Sherman, 1875.  Excellent detailed accounting of the war through the eyes of General Sherman.

Shrouds of Glory, Winston Groom, 1995. The Author of Forrest Gump provides a very readable accounting of the last great campaign of the Civil War- that being from Atlanta to Nashville in 1864.

Six Armies in Tennessee- The Chickamauga and Chattanooga Campaigns, Steven Woodworth,1998.

Story of Camp Chase, William H Knauss, 1906. Though the book primarily focuses on the prison at Camp Chase, there is discussion of the camp as the place of the mustering in and out of Union regiments including the 26th OVI.

Team of Rivals- The Political Genius of Abraham Lincoln. Doris Kearns Goodwin, 2005. This Pulitzer Prize author's book on Lincoln is a must read.

Terrible Swift Sword, Bruce Catton, 1963. Middle book of his comprehensive trilogy.

The American Civil War- This Mighty Scourge of War, Gary Gallagher, et al., 2003. Nice balanced treatment of the various theatres of the War.

The Campaigns of General Nathan Bedford Forrest and of Forrest's Cavalry, General Thomas Jordan and JP Pryor,1868. General Jordan is a strong apologist for General Forrest, and the bias is very apparent. Nevertheless, well documented account of a major confederate figure and one whom the 26th OVI fought against directly.

The Citizen Soldier- Memoirs of a Civil War Volunteer, John Beatty, 1998.

The Civil War, An American Illiad., Ralph Newman and Otto Eisenschiml,1956. Collection of first hand accounts from the writings of those who experienced the great war.

The Civil War, Bruce Catton,1960. First of his excellent books on the Civil War written around the centennial of the War.

The Civil War, A Narrative- Fredericksburg to Meridian, Shelby Foote,1963.

The Civil War- Day by Day- An Almanac 1861-1865, EB and Barbara Long,1971. Excellent almanac format that highlights daily activities before and during the War.

The Civil War in Fayette County, West Virginia, Tim McKinney,1988. Excellent discussion of the 26th OVI and other regiments' involvement in Fayette County in the early months of the war.

The Documentary Heritage of Ohio, edited by Phillip Shriver, 2000.

The Edge of Glory: A Biography of General William S Rosecrans, USA, William M Lamers,1961. Detailed accounting of General Rosecrans' service.  Strong apologist for General Rosecrans.

The Eloquent President:  A Portrait of Lincoln Through His Words, Ronald C White, Jr., 2005. A review in detail of Lincoln's key speeches during  his Presidency.

The Emancipation of Jonah Hommen, David Jardine, 2000. Historical fictional account based on the diary Corporal JF Doty, Co C,  26th OVI. The fictional character is Sgt Jonah Hommen, Co C. Mentions several soldiers who were in Co C, 26th OVI.

The Fight for Chattanooga: Chickamauga to Missionary Ridge, Jerry  Korn, 1985. Part of the Time-Life Book series.  Great photos and paintings include a painting of the battle around Viniard Fields, Sept 19, 1863.

The Last Best Hope of Earth-Abraham Lincoln and the Promise of America, Mark E Neely, Jr.,1993.  Possibly the most analytical discussion of our 16th President.

The Life of Billy Yank: The Common Soldier of the Union, Bell Irvin Wiley, 1971. Excellent discussion of the various facets of the common soldier during the war.

The Longest Night- A Military History of the Civil War, David Eicher, 2001. Detailed account. Excellent reference that provides good coverage of the western theater action.

The Military Handbook & Soldier's Manual, 1861. (Reproduction of actual manual distributed to Union civil war soldiers. Very interesting reading. For example, did you know that musicians were paid more than the private infantry soldier?

The Official Military Atlas of the Civil War, Major George B Davis et al.,1983. Excellent compilation of the actual detailed maps cartographed during the war.  A must resource for the serious student of the War.

The Ohio Soldier, John Raper (26th OVI), editor, Weekly publication from August, 1887 to August, 1902. Various regular features including: Regimental reunions, pension news, ads, corny jokes, tributes to generals, and reminiscences of battles fought. An incredible source of period information. A very rare treasure.

The Origins of America's Civil War, Bruce Collins, 1981. In depth analysis.

The Town That Started the Civil War, Nat Brandt, 1990. Chronicles the runaway slave rescue and trial of the rescuers that took place 1858-1859 in Oberlin, Ohio. There may be a 26th OVI connection, as one of the "rescuers" Richard Winsor, may have been related to Sidney Winsor of Co C.

The Truth About Chickamauga, Archibald Gracie, 1911. The "true" story about the battle of Chickamauga, (especially the Snodgrass Hill battle) from the perspective of the son of a Confederate general who fought there.

The Shipwreck of Their Hopes- The Battles for Chattanooga, Peter Cozzens, 1996. Great detailed account.

The Southern Side: Or Andersonville Prison, R Randolph Stevenson, reprint 1995. Southern apologist slant, but contains a listing of Union soldiers buried at Andersonville.

The Union Soldier in Battle, Enduring the Ordeal of Combat, Earl J Hess, 1997.

The War of the Rebellion, A Compilation of the Official Records of the Union and Confederate Armies, 1880-1901, United States Government. The most comprehensive and authoritative source.

The Warrior Generals- Combat Leadership in the Civil War, Thomas B Buell, 1997. Apologist for the role of General Thomas.  Also, takes position that the western theater was the more important area of operations in determining the outcome of the war.

The Widow of the South, Robert Hicks, 2005. Historical fiction novel that centers around the battle of Franklin, Tenn. 11/30/64, and the Carnton plantation.

This Terrible Sound- The Battle of Chickamauga, Peter Cozzens, 1992. Very detailed account of the Battle of Chickamauga.

This Terrible War: The Civil War and its Aftermath, Michael Fellman et al, 2003. Excellent  analysis of the aftermath (Reconstruction).

Three Years in the Army of the Cumberland, James Connelly, 1959.  Letters and diary of Major James Connelly, 123rd Illinois regiment.

Too Young to Die - Boy Soldiers of the Union Army 1861-1865,  Dennis Keesee, 2001. Focuses on the young boys who served and died for the Union during the War.

Ulysses S Grant- Soldier & President,  Geoffrey Perret, 1997. Excellent biography. Well researched.

War in Kentucky- From Shiloh to Perryville, James L McDonough, 1994.

"We Cannot Escape History" Lincoln and the Last Best Hope of Earth, edited by James M McPherson,1995. Series of essays on Lincoln by prominent historians.

With My Face to the Enemy, edited by Robert Cowley, 2001.  Compilation of short but thought provoking essays by esteemed historians.

West Virginia History, Vol 14, Number 4- various authors

What They Fought For, 1861-1865, James M. McPherson, 1994.  Examines motivation for the fighting soldier as told through the soldier's letters.  Prelude to his more expansive book entitled, For Cause and Comrades.

Why the South Lost the Civil War, Richard Beringer et al,1986. Fresh examination of this key question using the 19th century military genius of Jomini and Clausewitz in their analysis.

Winning and Losing in The  Civil War: Essays and Stories, Albert Castel, 1996. Compilation of his prior short works on a variety of topics.

Yankee Tigers:  Through the Civil War with the 125th Ohio, Ralsa C Rice, edited by Richard Baumgartner and Larry M Strayer, 1992.  Excellent first person account by Sgt Rice of his tour of duty with the 125th OVI, a regiment who fought side by side with the 26th OVI on many occasions.

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