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Soldiers' Stories 

The book detailing the regiment's history, The 26th Ohio Veteran Volunteer Infantry: the Groundhog Regiment, Third Edition, contains the complete roster of every soldier who fought with the regiment during the Civil War. The book is replete with vignettes about many of them. Below is a list of soldiers with additional information that their descendants shared about them, or that was discovered after the book was published. To access a soldier's story, click on their name in the list below. The information is presented as submitted with little editing. 


If you would like to provide your ancestor's story, just send it to me at:



  Soldier's Stories 



David Bragg, Co. B  

Peter Carty

Daniel Chesnut, Co. B

Samuel Chesnut, Co. B

 Alonzo Clingan, Co. K

Andrew Clingan, Co. K

Thomas Davis, Co. G

Josephus Doty, Co. C

John Folkert, Co. F

Henry, Gilman, Doran, and George Houseworth

Wilson, Charles and Bloomfield Martin

Benton Mason, Co. C     


   Jesse Mason, Co. C


Newton Olliver, Co. C


Captain William H. Ross, Co. C 


Lt. Colonel William H Squires, Co K


Harmon Tussing, Co. H


Alfred Weedon, Co. F



















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